edition #6 - from Zohie


Hi friend,

This one looks a little different.

These days I feel less words can say more, but I would like to share with you some of my experiences, of late. Some are words, others are pictures.

I’ve been through a profound initiation that is so boundless in its entirety, words cannot hold the experience. So I offer you one little golden thread. This letter.

I learnt to tend to the sacred, the most fragile and delicate, that which is integral to harmony and largely absent from our lives.

Tending to the little.

Tending to the tiny.

Listening to the tiny voices.

I deep dived into re-learning the Ways of the Old Ones

and I encountered

whole villages that surround us

in multidimensional reality

thriving eco-systems bursting with life

to offer us

and with offerings

in surrender

we open the portal

and let the honey pour through,

quite literally.

The ancestors speak to us through the winged ones.

and I learnt how to be quiet enough to hear them.

Below is a playlist I made for you.

33 mins of dreaming with the birds.

Lately, i’ve seen pictures

and heard voices,

because I chose to be the witness

to sit and listen

and water the roots of life.

Four Celestial Angels by Frederick Stuart Church c.1880.png

May I simply ask you,

What do you see?

What do you hear?

What do you know?

And may we collectively dream…

a new beginning.

To remember our hearts have wings.

I honour my teacher Liv Mokai Wheeler and the Kontomble of Burkina Faso, West Africa.

And I bow to their life springs of love and compassion.

From my heart to yours,

x Zohie


Image credits.

  1. Starling Formation by Daniel Bieber / 2. Four Celestial Angels by Frederick Stuart Church / 3. The Oceanids by Gustav Doré / 4. Selkie Woman Sculpture, Faroe Islands / 5. The Wind from Hastings by Luis Royo / 6. Black Cockatoo flock, artist unknown / 7. Malocchio “The Evil Eye” Mosaic, artist unknown / 8. Strege Nonna, by Tomie diPaola / 9. Bird Girl Sculpture by Sylvia Shaw Judson / 10. The Tree of Life, artisit unknown

Zohie Castellano